
Switch to Countly for innovative, scalable, and all-in-one, real-time product analytics insights.

Amplitude icon rounded

Three benefits of Countly over the competitor

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Real-time customizable visualizations
Provide your team with everything they need to better understand your business performance. Highlight the improvements needed to enhance customer journeys and improve your market strength.
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Support for desktop, mobile, and web analytics
Track all data from applications - whether it’s desktop, mobile, or web - simultaneously, using SDKs and a powerful feature set, for even more powerful analytics.
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Read and write APIs
With Countly, your development team can utilize APIs to collaborate or create innovative functionalities that sets your business apart from the competition.
Organizations that trust Countly over Amplitude
BMW Company LogoDeutsche Telekom Company LogoCocaCola Company LogoAWS Company LogoRoche Company LogoVerizon Company LogoSAP Company Logo

One-stop solution for all of your applications with complete data control

Effective analytics with SDKs

Use SDKs to customize your analytics to your unique business needs. Countly provides all the datasets your product needs, allowing you to choose how to best combine them for an effective analytics strategy.

Keep regulatory compliance

Countly has built-in privacy measures that only track data allowed by the user, making user consent transparent, and ensuring that you’re compliant with data privacy frameworks, like CCPA and GDPR.

Seamlessly extensible with comprehensive features

Choose from over 70 data analytics features and multiple SDKs to provide actionable insights to any team working across your customers’ journeys.
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Why Migrate to Countly from Amplitude?

With complete access to your data, 70+ features to analyze mobile, web, and desktop applications, and multiple SDKs, Countly can prove to be the best tool to enhance customer journeys in your product and reduce guesswork in every business decision.
Countly VS. Amplitude

Why is Countly the better alternative to Amplitude?

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Multitude of connected features that eliminate the need to risk sending sensitive customer data to third parties.
Integrations with third parties, requiring additional licenses and increasing the risk sensitive data shared with third parties.
Complete visibility and control over how data is sent from the SDKs, where your server and database are located, and how they are configured.
Hosted in the cloud in a multi-tenant environment shared with the rest of the customers with limited visibility and configuration options
Built-in privacy compliance features, for regulations such as GDPR, only collecting data after user consent is given.
Limited built in compliance features, and the heavy lifting is offloaded to the user to manage what information is tracked by the SDKs.

Insight-powered product innovation is right around the corner